Health TopicsBrain health and the nervous system

Brain health and the nervous system

Find out everything you need to know about your brain and nervous system.


How is tardive dyskinesia diagnosed?
What to expect when seeing a healthcare provider about this involuntary movement disorder.


5 answers about tardive dyskinesia
What patients and caregivers should know about causes, prevalence, and treatment options for TD.


What you need to know about mini-stroke
Mini-stroke doesn’t mean minimal danger.


5 ways to lower your stroke risk now
About 80 percent of strokes may be prevented by making healthy lifestyle changes.


4 foods your brain will love
Nourish yourself for better brainpower.


Tardive dyskinesia: Examples of involuntary movements
A look at some common examples of involuntary, repetitive movements that occur with tardive dyskines...


Tardive dyskinesia: Questions when changing medications
Questions to discuss with your healthcare provider when changing or adding medications to treat tard...


Walking can build up the brain, study says
A few brisk walks a week may help you prevent memory decline. Watch this video on a study that shows...


4 strategies for coordinating care among your CIDP team
Strategies to improve communication between multiple healthcare providers to treat CIDP.


CIDP: How nerve damage leads to symptoms
A look at how chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) damages the nervous system.