
Find out everything you need to know about maintaining a positive outlook and the impact happiness has on your health.


5 things that sabotage your happiness
Boost your joy every day by avoiding these five happiness-wreckers.


3 amazing benefits of gratitude
The Thanksgiving holiday reminds us to take time out for gratitude. But if you can make thankfuln...


Move more often, have more fun: setting goals that FITT
Learn about your target heart rate in this video.


Access to nature is linked to improved mental health, study says
Visiting places like parks, forests and beaches have been associated with improved mental health in ...


3 things happiness boils down to
Massive interest in a Yale course on happiness has to do with significant questions about how to ten...


Happiness and your health
Find a happier and healthier you with these strategies.


The buying decision that might make you happier
Evidence suggests purchasing experiences could enhance your well-being more than buying material goo...


Can money buy happiness?
It matters, but maybe not as much as you think.


The science of happiness and joy
Psychologist Ronald Siegel reveals why some of us are happier than others – and how to feel more joy...


Harnessing the happiness-boosting power of motivation
Looking inward to find your drive may provide the energy for sustained achievement and well-being.