
6 healthy life hacks

Just because you’re pressed for time, doesn’t mean your health has to suffer. Here are some tips and tricks to make being healthy easier.

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Drink more water, eat breakfast and move more – all familiar health tips that, in reality, are easier said than done. It’s hard to cram busy schedules, healthy habits – oh, and sleep, into 24 hours. Here are some simple tricks from HCA experts that can make being healthy easy and fast. 

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Take Breakfast To Go

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – it boosts your metabolism and prevents you from overeating throughout the day. Don’t skip it just because you’re pressed for time. Here is one breakfast idea you can take to go.

“I like to make green smoothies. My favorite one – it’s notShow More

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Veggies Make You Vomit? Disguise the Taste

Don’t like veggies? Do what these experts do to eat more.

“I like hummus, and it’s good to put on anything you don’t really care for – like carrots and celery. You can slather it on any vegetable and knock it back.” — Matthew Brengman, MD


“One of my all-time favoriteShow More

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Exercise Your Brain

Don’t have the time (or patience) to do crossword puzzles? Here’s one thing that can challenge your brain.

“For fun, I use Clockwork Brain app. It’s an enjoyable little way to possibly stave off dementia.” — Taral Patel, MD

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First Aid Musts

Always be prepared for an emergency no matter where you are. Keep a first aid kit in your car, purse or gym bag.

“My first aid kit is stocked with medicines like Tylenol and Motrin, and I keep antiseptic solution and Band-Aids on hand if anyone in my family gets a cut or minor abrasion.” — Show More

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Brush Your Teeth … and Drink Water

If you struggle to drink enough water each day, here’s a trick you can use to help you stay hydrated.

“I try to make myself drink an 8 ounce glass of water after I brush my teeth in the morning and night. It’s two opportunities where you’re already drinking water and can just go ahead and throw itShow More

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Healthy Habits to Take to Work

If your job keeps you so busy you barely have time to run to the bathroom let alone go to lunch, do what these experts do.

“I make a quick protein shake in the office in between patients. It helps curb my appetite & keeps my energy up. I also stock the office fridge with different fruitsShow More

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