
Why are whole grains better than refined grains?

dLife - It's YOUR Diabetes Life!
dLife - It's YOUR Diabetes Life!
Whole grains products such as whole wheat bread contain more fiber than refined grains (such as white bread). Fiber helps to control blood glucose by delaying the rise in blood glucose after the food is eaten. Fiber has also been associated with an improvement in insulin resistance. So even though the total carbs in whole grain products and refined grained products is about the same, there is still benefit from eating foods prepared with whole grains.

Keep in mind, too, that when it comes to fiber content, the food labels do not tell the whole story. If a slice of white bread contains 1.6 grams of fiber, it will be rounded up to 2 grams on the food label. If a slice of whole wheat bread contains 2.4 grams of fiber, it will be rounded down to 2 grams of fiber. So although there is almost a whole gram (0.8 gram) difference in fiber, the food label does not show the difference.
Vandana  R. Sheth
Vandana R. Sheth on behalf of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition & Dietetics
Whole grains have the entire kernel (bran, endosperm and germ) intact therefore provide more fiber, selenium, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients. Refined grains on the other hand are milled and missing parts of their kernel thereby reducing their nutritional quality.

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