Health TopicsChild health and development

Child health and development

Get the latest information about child development from Sharecare.


What policies could help prevent obesity?
Ginny Ehrlich, CEO of the USTA explains why we need policies that support lifestyle changes to preve...


5 easy tips for quick and healthy school lunches
Avoid lunch-making stress with these simple ideas.


The scoop on baby poop: 5 hues and what they mean
Here’s what’s common, what’s not—and when to call the doc.


5 foods to keep out of your kid's lunch box
Leave these five popular eats on the supermarket shelf.


No, you shouldn’t force your kids to hug anyone
You might be sending your kids the wrong message about consent and boundaries.


Seven steps to raising a lifelong learner
Encouraging a love of learning is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children. Although ...


6 fast, healthy recipes your kids will love
Strapped for time? Got picky eaters? Try these simple meals and snacks to satisfy a variety of palat...


5 sneaky ways to boost your kids' nutrition
Constantly wondering how to get your kids to eat healthier food? Wonder no more. With a little pa...


How effective are pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines?
Lisa Thornton, MD, explains how booster shots can keep your immunity strong.