Brain Fit Fajitas Recipe

roll up


⅓ tsp whole cumin seed
⅛ tsp paprika
1 dash black pepper
⅛ raw eggplant, peeled and cut into strips
⅔ tbsp coconut oil
⅙ tsp chili powder
1 dash salt
⅔ clove diced, raw garlic
⅙ medium zucchini, cut into strips
⅙ medium red bell pepper, cut into strips
⅛ cup raw coriander (cilantro) leaves
⅙ cup shredded green leaf lettuce
⅓ avocado
⅓ medium tomato, diced
1 organic sprouted grain tortilla or coconut wrap
⅓ small raw onion, diced
⅙ raw lime, squeeze for juice
⅙ jalapeño pepper cut into strips
14 oz can red, ripe whole tomatoes
⅛ tsp red or cayenne pepper
⅙ medium summer squash (or any variety) cut into strips


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly oil two cookie sheets.
  • In a small bowl mix together oil (may need to be melted), cumin, paprika, chili powder, salt, pepper and garlic.
  • Place eggplant, zucchini, squash, bell pepper and onion on cookie sheets and lightly brush with oil mixture.
  • Place in oven and roast for 20-25 minutes or until eggplant is tender. Be sure to turn vegetables at least once.
  • Meanwhile heat the tortillas by wrapping it in foil and placing it in warm oven for 5-8 minutes. Do not overheat or it will crack and fall apart.
  • To make salsa, prepare food processor.
  • Place onion and garlic in food processor and pulse several times until onion has a coarsely chopped, but not over processed appearance.
  • Add cilantro, jalapeno, lime juice, tomatoes, and hot cayenne pepper.
  • Process until salsa is desired consistency but not mushy.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Arrange vegetables separately on a serving platter and serve hot. Place avocado, tomatoes, and cabbage on a serving tray.
  • Serve warm vegetables, cold vegetables and salsa together.  

Nutritional Info:

Calories 434; fat 23.4g; sodium 1,378mg; carbohydrates 52.4g; protein 11.8g; fiber 14.1g

Medically reviewed in December 2018.

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