7 ways to manage high blood pressure

To manage high blood pressure, try these healthy strategies.

doctor checking blood pressure

Updated on March 18, 2024.

If you’re one of the estimated 103 million Americans living with high blood pressure, you may be aware that healthy lifestyle habits can help manage your blood pressure. We talked with Frank Ammaturo, MD, cardiologist at St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, for blood pressure best practices. 

Avoid salt

“High sodium [salt] intake has been associated with high blood pressure and the American diet tends to be filled with higher levels of sodium than is recommended,” says Ammaturo. He suggests reading food labels so you know exactly how much salt is in your meal. “A lot of times, patients will say they don't add sodium to their meals, but that doesn't really mean they're on a low sodium diet. Processed foods, canned foods and restaurant menu items have excessive sodium,” he adds. The American Heart Association recommends keeping your daily salt consumption to under 1,500 milligrams (about two-thirds of a teaspoon). 

Stay active 

Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do if you’re living with high blood pressure. As you are able, just 30 minutes a day, five days per week of moderate intensity activity like brisk walking may help reduce blood pressure. “Aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, biking and swimming are preferred when you're looking at blood pressure control,” says Ammaturo. Your healthcare provider can help you create a fitness plan that’s right for you. 

Manage your weight 

If you’re overweight, losing just 10 pounds can lower your blood pressure. “Weight loss is a very important component for controlling blood pressure,” says Ammaturo. “Unfortunately, the rates of obesity are high in America. One in three patients are obese.” Weight loss should be a high priority if your body mass index is greater than 25, Ammaturo adds. 

Limit alcohol 

“Excessive alcohol can be associated with elevated blood pressure,” says Ammaturo. Any more than one drink a day can cause your blood pressure to rise, and can lessen the effectiveness of blood pressure medications if you’re taking them. Remember: a serving size is 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of liquor. 

Quit smoking 

Smoking can damage the body in many ways—and when it comes to the heart, it can injure blood vessels and harden the arteries. “Tobacco, specifically, can increase blood pressure." If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your heart and your overall health. Ammaturo suggests calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW or seeing your healthcare provider to get help.

Manage stress

When you’re stressed, hormones increase your heart rate and constrict blood vessels, elevating your blood pressure temporarily. (That’s why your blood pressure may tend to be higher at your healthcare provider’s office.) Over time, chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure. To manage stress, try meditation, regular exercise as your are able, and deep breathing. One study of about 21,500 Japanese adults found that taking six deep breaths over the course of 30 seconds lowered systolic pressure (the "top" number in a blood pressure reading). 

Another way to reduce blood pressure may be to have a laugh. In a small study, participants watched a 20-minute humorous video clip. Then, researchers measured the participants' blood pressure. Watching funny videos not only lowered people's blood pressure but also was associated with lower levels of cholesterol (a fat-like substance in the blood).

Blood pressure medication 

If your blood pressure levels are above 130 over 80, your doctor may recommend blood pressure-lowering medication in addition to lifestyle modifications, depending on your overall heart disease risk. If your blood pressure is above 140 over 90, you probably will need to take medication. Medications can reduce blood pressure levels and help you live a healthier, longer life.

“In clinical trials, blood pressure medications have been shown to reduce stroke by 35 to 40 percent, reduce heart attack by 20 to 25 percent and reduce heart failure by 50 percent,” says Ammaturo. 

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