
8 holiday side dishes that won’t derail your diet

These sides will definitely steal the show at your next holiday feast.

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If you’re like most people (us included!) you probably know that you’re packing in a lot of extra calories at your traditional holiday dinner. But you might not have to.

While we don’t recommend that you completely avoid your grandmother’s made-from-scratch chocolate pie, healthier side dishes can cut some calories, leaving room for the pie and other must-have seasonalShow More

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Sautéed Green Beans

Green beans are easy to make, rich in health benefits and everybody loves them—even the kids. The pod vegetable is packed with vitamins A, C and K, along with minerals like potassium, iron and magnesium. Green beans are also a good source of the kinds of nutrients needed to keep your immune systemShow More

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Garlic-Roasted Carrots

Saving a place for carrots on your holiday table is a smart idea. This colorful veggie is rich in beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A, an essential nutrient for eye health, glowing skin and a strong immune system. While creamed carrots may be a staple on your holiday menu,Show More

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Dijon Vinaigrette Asparagus

It’s no secret that asparagus is loaded with nutrients, but the vegetable also contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that nourishes the good bacteria in your gut, helping you to fight off disease. Switch things up a bit and include this tangy side with your turkey or ham—it’s sure to be a hit forShow More

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Holiday dinners without mashed potatoes? We don’t think so. And while white potatoes tend to get a nutritional bad rap, they’re actually loaded with potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and fiber. This recipe calls for fat-free milk and light sour cream instead of whole milk and butter. You’ll cutShow More

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Swap out gooey, marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes for colorful blue spuds instead. These diet-friendly bites are sure to be an attention-getter on your holiday table—and the potatoes contain resistant starch that acts like fiber, helping to keep you full longer. This cheesy recipe is creamy andShow More

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Chopped veggies, nuts, whole grains and dried fruits add a variety of palate-pleasing flavors and textures to this antioxidant-rich dish. Choose your favorite base (brown rice, whole grain pasta, couscous or bulgur will do) and introduce a new way of side-dishing this holiday season.

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It’s hard to imagine the holidays without whipped sweet potatoes. But this rich veggie and risotto dish is a more figure-friendly way to keep them on the menu. While sweet potatoes and spinach are both rich in antioxidants, the vibrant colors will add festivity to your table and a flavor that willShow More

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Barley may not be on your radar, but it should be—the grain is a great source of fiber, magnesium, iron and beta-glucan, and it can help lower cholesterol. And lentils are well known for their iron, fiber and protein content. If you’re looking for a hearty vegetarian option, this warm, flavorfulShow More

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