Health TopicsLife and family

Life and family

Get the latest information to help you stay on top of what's important with your life and family.


5 work habits that may be harmful to your health
Learn how some things people do each day can take a toll, what you can do instead.


Surgeon General says Americans should ‘rethink how they are living their lives’
Learn what it will take for people to truly be happier and healthier.


The surprising health benefits of play
Making time to have fun and enjoy yourself is good for your mind and body.


Longevity, purpose, and President Jimmy Carter
Former President Jimmy Carter has died at 100 years old.


Finding purpose: how can you fight hate
It's not good enough to just not be racist. The doctors share what you can do to make a difference.


Patient Perspectives: Healthcare and the importance of communication
Delve into the experiences and perspectives of patients, highlighting the crucial role of communicat...


BIPOC + LGBTQIA patients: why education is needed
Education is crucial in addressing healthcare access inequities and promoting inclusive and equitabl...


How do I get the most out of a telehealth appointment?
Dermatologist Michelle Henry, MD, covers all the things to consider for a successful telehealth appo...


Access to nature is linked to improved mental health, study says
Visiting places like parks, forests and beaches have been associated with improved mental health in ...


The old adage is true: you can't buy happiness
Child and adult psychiatrist Domenick Sportelli, DO, provides a new perspective by reviewing a Harva...