Health Topicskidney-urinary-healthKidney disease and failure

Kidney disease and failure

Find out everything you need to know about kidney disease, including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


What happens if I hold in my pee?
Waiting to go can cause health problems. See what our expert has to say.


What are the complications of C3 glomerulopathy?
For anyone living with C3 glomerulopathy, preventing these complications will be an important goal o...


C3 glomerulopathy: Understanding proteinuria
High levels of protein in the urine are a sign a person is at greater risk for complications from C3...


C3 glomerulopathy: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment
Learn what’s happening in the immune system and the kidneys when a person has this rare kidney disea...


IgA Nephropathy: Causes and treatment
How IgA nephropathy occurs, and how medications and lifestyle changes work together to manage this c...


IgA nephropathy: Managing blood pressure
Why hypertension is common among people with IgAN and why managing blood pressure is important to tr...


IgA nephropathy: Understanding glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
An explanation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the tests that measure this indicator of kidn...


What your urine's color and odor may say about your health
A quick glimpse into the toilet can warn you of potential problems.


3 embarrassing bladder problems and how to plug the leaks
Discover what may be causing some common urinary incontinence problems and learn what you can do to ...


Type 2 diabetes and the risk of chronic kidney disease
How diabetes can damage the kidneys and what you can do to prevent this complication.