Health TopicsMen's health

Men's health

Stay on top of health conditions that affect men, such as prostate cancer and low testosterone.


4 ways to celebrate Dad on Father’s Day
Boost Dad's health and make him feel extra special at the same time.


Should you take medication for erectile dysfunction?
The available treatment options point to a brighter future for people with ED.


Vacations lower your risk of heart disease
Here's a fun way to live longer: Use up your vacation days.


Stress increases your risk of heart disease
Taking steps to reduce stress can help you live younger.


5 ways men benefit from being a healthy weight
Learn how reducing body fat can improve libido, testosterone levels, and back pain.


To be (circumcised) or not to be (circumcised)?
it's worth weighing the pros and cons to determine whether the procedure is right for you or your ch...


How to get your man to see a doctor
Men are notorious for avoiding doctors, but these four tactics may convince him to go.


6 facial hair grooming habits every guy must know
Beards can harbor germs or lead to irritating issues, like acne and infections.


Change your genes in 3 steps
Does cancer or any other disease run in your family? Then get with this 3-step program. R...