
What risks are associated with Lipozene?

Discovery Health
Discovery Health

Because Lipozene is made of glucomannan, which is a fiber, the majority of side effects are just like those you feel when you've eaten any food with too much fiber: intestinal in nature, involving gas, bloating and diarrhea. If you're worried about all that goo in your stomach which forms after ingesting this soluble fiber, you may be comforted to know that there have been no cases of intestinal obstruction resulting from expanding glucomannan reported.

Vladimir Vuksan, a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto, explained during an interview with the Los Angeles Times, that if you consumed glucomannan in quantities of 20 to 30 grams each day, "your gut would explode". Lipozene is delivered in doses of 1500 milligrams. Vuksan also noted that the 20 to 30 grams per day regimen, which is also responsible for severe diarrhea and gastrointestinal distress, was the best approximation for how much glucomannan would be necessary to achieve substantial weight loss.

If you do the math, you may see that ingesting those comparatively small doses of glucomannan supplied by Lipozene might end with the risk of regret. In fact, a simple Internet search will present consumers with many discouraging reviews and buyer beware warnings. On top of this, if Lipozene is ineffective for you, that regret does not come for cheap. Should you take the maximum dosage of Lipozene determined to be safe by the manufacturer (6 capsules a day), then each 60-count container of Lipozene will provide a 10 day supply. At a cost of approximately $30 per bottle, that means to buy a one month supply will cost about $90. If you're really committed to trying glucomannan, then other manufacturers dispense supplements for one-third the price. However, you could see the same results just by eating foods rich in soluble fiber, like oat bran and apples.

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