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Why might a teen engage in sexting?
As many as 82 percent of teens engage in sexting, according to psychologist Jennifer Hartstein, PsyD...


Why is it important to establish routines for my child?
It may sound counterintuitive, but kids do best when they have rules to follow. Psychologist Jennife...


What to expect from your grade-school child
Development changes occur during grade school at an almost unbelievable rate. Pediatrician Tanya Rem...


What should I do if my teen is having trouble fitting in at school?
Got a teen who's feeling left out? Psychologist Jennifer Hartstein, PsyD, helps you learn an easy wa...


What is the correct way to give a child medication?
Over-the-counter and prescription medication can help kids feel better when they're sick. But parent...


Tips for time-outs that work
Time-outs are a commonly used discipline tool, but many parents are confused about how to correctly ...


Should I let my child watch the news after a tragedy?
After a tragedy, it's easy to get hooked on the horror when it's replayed over and over on TV, but w...


How to treat head lice
Every parent dreads head lice, but it's a common childhood woe. Pediatrician Tanya Remer Altmann, MD...


How should I motivate my child who procrastinates to do her homework?
How you get your kid to buckle down to homework will depend on what's causing her to put it off. Lea...


How do I recognize if my child is in an unhealthy relationship?
Some teen relationships can be abusive, obsessive or otherwise harmful. Find out what to watch for i...