Health TopicsLife and family

Life and family

Get the latest information to help you stay on top of what's important with your life and family.


Why hospital shift changes can be dangerous
Nursing expert Jennifer Chaikin discusses why hospital shift changes can be dangerous to patients.


Is a committed relationship good for your health?
Marriage can benefit your well-being, but it may depend on the quality of the partnership.


What you need to know about 529s
Is someone you love bound for college? Learn four ways this savings account can boost your financ...


How do you partner with your primary care physician?
Patient engagement is critical to preventive medicine but there also needs to be a person who knows ...


What is life insurance?
It's a product that provides financial security for your family. Here's what you need to know.


9 ways to wake up without coffee
Boost your morning mood with these easy, expert-approved tips.


5 things that sabotage your happiness
Boost your joy every day by avoiding these five happiness-wreckers.


Therapist-approved tips for a long-lasting relationship
Most couples experience some ups and downs. Smooth the bumps with this expert advice.


The most embarrassing health questions people google
Some secrets are only safe for your search engine. 


6 natural ways to lower inflammation
Inflammation is a proven killer but there are simple things you can do to reduce it.