Health TopicsAllergies


Find out everything you need to know about allergies including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


What Are Some Symptoms of Dairy Allergies?
Symptoms of a dairy allergy can vary widely, but they include skin issues, hives, respiratory sympto...


Everything You Need to Know About Common Food Allergies
For millions of people, an everyday snack could be dangerous, and perhaps even fatal.


Know Before You Go: Allergy Testing
Here's what to expect before you set foot in the allergist's office.


Easy Ways to Soothe Your Sinus Symptoms
Don't wait until that doctor appointment to start making yourself feel better.


Don't Let Pollen Ruin Your Workout
If you have seasonal allergies, you can still find ways to exercise by following these tips.


What You Need to Know About Deadly Allergic Reactions
Understand why your own body may work against you—and what to do about it.


That Labradoodle May Not Be Hypoallergenic After All
Doodles are adorable. But if you think Labradoodle allergies aren't real, think again. 


Changing Treatment for Food Allergies
Questions to review with your healthcare provider when you are prescribed a new therapy for food all...


5 Answers About Adult-Onset Food Allergies
An overview of the common food allergies in adults, why food allergies require a professional diagno...


How Food Allergies Can Affect Mental Health
How to recognize when food allergies are affecting your mental health—and what to do if they are.