Health TopicsLung health

Lung health

Find out everything you need to know about maintaining healthy lungs.


Everything you've always wanted to know about mucus
But were too grossed out to ask, such as what does green snot even mean?


What to include in your asthma action plan
Having a detailed strategy is crucial to helping you manage your asthma.


Severe asthma: what to do about nighttime symptoms
If your severe asthma symptoms are keeping you up at night, you need to talk to your healthcare prov...


Stress, asthma, and meditation
How stress can trigger asthma attacks and how meditation can help reduce chronic stress.


Your respiratory system and asthma
An asthma patient’s guide to how the respiratory system works, with tips on keeping asthma under con...


Understanding eosinophils and e-asthma
Learn how high levels of a specific white blood cell play a key role in airway constriction for peop...


How to work out when you have asthma
Why it's time to come up with an asthma-friendly exercise plan.


How to prevent and treat mold allergies
Mold. It grows on bathroom walls, it makes basements smell bad, and it ruins perfectly good loave...


How air quality can affect your asthma
Summer air pollution can bring on asthma symptoms. Find out what you can do to be prepared.


What happens during an asthma attack?
A pulmonologist explains what’s happening in the airways during an asthma attack, and what you can d...