
What is an ejaculatory threshold?

Ian Kerner, PhD
Ian Kerner, PhD on behalf of Good In Bed
Sexual Health
The old “think about baseball” trick doesn’t work for guys with premature ejaculation (PE). They can’t control or delay ejaculation at, or shortly after penetration, whether they want to or not.

Of course, all men have a point of what we call “ejaculatory inevitability” during sex when they can’t hold back from an orgasm, no matter what. All men have an “ejaculatory threshold,” which is the amount of stimulation they can experience before reaching this “point of no return.” That threshold is lower in guys with PE, and their point of ejaculatory inevitability arrives much more quickly.
The Good in Bed Guide to Overcoming Premature Ejaculation

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The Good in Bed Guide to Overcoming Premature Ejaculation

From the New York Times best-selling author of She Comes First arrives the definitive guide to managing premature ejaculation – a book that could save your sex life!Do you suffer from PE? Are you...

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