
The 5-minute bedtime routine you need to try tonight

Catch better ZZZs by doing these four things before hitting the hay.

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Good-quality sleep can help control your weight, boost your mood and keep you alert. Plus, snuggling into a comfy bed is one of the best feelings in the world. But if your mind continues to race once your head hits the pillow, that much-needed slumber can quickly go out the window.

In addition to powering down your phone, turning off your TV and enjoying a relaxing bath,Show More

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#1: Embrace the lavender herb

Good news, lavender lovers: when inhaled, the herb’s scent may make you feel calm and sleepy, and may ease symptoms of anxiety, depression and fatigue. And while studies have had mixed results, some show that a massage with essential oils like lavender can boost your mood, improve concentration andShow More

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#2: Write down your to-do’s for the next day

Once the sun goes down, family plans, long lists of tasks and daunting assignments may keep you awake. That's because worrying about upcoming events can contribute to both anxiety and insomnia.

If you’re having trouble getting to sleep at night, spend a minute or two before bed writing down to-do’sShow More

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#3: Do some quick yoga stretches

Practicing yoga can ease tension and put your mind at ease, helping you doze off sooner. Here are three moves to try before you hit the hay:

Supine twist: While lying on your back, bring your knees to your chest. Lower your knees to the left side, while keeping your shoulders, arms and hands on theShow More

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#4: Take five deep breaths

According to the National Sleep Foundation, just a minute or two of deep breathing can help soothe your nerves, which will leave you feeling more relaxed.

They recommend the following to beat stress: sit on the side of your bed with one hand on your lower belly. Count to three as you breathe in,Show More

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