Health TopicsSpine and bone health

Spine and bone health

Find out everything you need to know about maintaining a healthy spine and bones.


3 ways to stay fit and reduce your risk of falls
Reducing the risk of falls is critical if you have osteoporosis. Start protecting your bones today.


Top 5 things to know about bone health
Brittle bones can sneak up on you. Here's what you need to know about your bones to make sure that d...


Should I take calcium or vitamin D to strengthen my bones?
Not everyone needs supplements for their bones. Find out who might benefit and why.


5 bone-strengthening exercises and activities
Lift, run, or dance your way to healthier bones.


4 great foods for healthier bones
Calcium-rich dairy isn't the only way to go. Check out these foods that support a stronger skeleton....


10 ways to improve bone health
Follow these simple strategies to prevent or slow the bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis....


5 ways you can prioritize bone health while you're young
Making sure you get enough calcium is critical!


My Story: spina bifida patients
Learn from multiple perspectives of spina bifida and how it affects the lives of both patients and p...


2-year-old with spina bifida brings Joy to millions while ‘livin’ his best life’
Archer is bringing smiles to people's faces with his zest for life.


New spinal cord stimulation study helps paralyzed people walk again
Through electrical stimulations of the spinal cord, a new study helps paralyzed people walk again.