
How can I get stronger so I do not get pushed around the basketball court?

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine
The type of training that has the biggest influence on your ability to gain and hold your position is core training.  Core training is often over looked in resistance training programs, but you are only as strong as your weakest link.  Think of your core like the trunk of a tree and your arms like the branches.  If you have really strong branches but a weak trunk, you are bound to get knocked over.  Exercises like planks, side planks, bridges, and chops are a must for every athlete.  Choosing 2-3 core exercises to perform at the beginning of each weight training session is a great way to incorporate them into your routine.  When you choose your resistance training exercises, try to find exercises that are done in a standing position.  For example, a standing row is better for your core than a seated row, a squat is better for your core than a leg press, and a standing curl to press is better for your core than a seated shoulder press.

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