Health Topicschild-developmentTeen health and development

Teen health and development

Get the latest information about teen health and development from Sharecare.


Self-harm among teens is on the rise–here’s why
Learn who may be at risk and how to spot the warning signs.


How late-night smartphone use affects teens' health
These days it’s increasingly rare to see anyone without a phone. The rise in social media h...


5 reasons your teen might be depressed
Many are especially vulnerable to this common condition.


Childhood obesity is a major problem. Is your child at risk?
Addressing childhood weight problems now could help avoid health issues later in life.


How much screen time is too much for kids?
Digital media is practically unavoidable. But there are ways parents can curb kids' tech use.


Teen depression: how parents and caregivers can offer support
Learn how to help your child cope with symptoms of depression.


Conditions that may accompany ADHD
Learn how to recognize ADHD-related disorders.


An underestimated road risk? Parents who drive distracted
Diverting your attention when you're behind the wheel is dangerous. But you can take steps to mainta...


Could warning labels help reduce sugar intake?
American kids—and adults—eat too much sugar. Here’s how some states are trying to help people take i...