When it comes to strength training and cardio, if it’s difficult to perform them one after the other, split it across the day or even perform them on different days. You’ll still reap the benefits of both. Exercise is about increasing activity in a systematic way, it doesn’t mean killing yourself in the gym to get it all in at once. Recovery time is just as essential as the workouts themselves so be good to yourself and pace your activity and spread out the workload.
You do not necessarily have to get all of your daily exercise at once. Will it be most ideal to complete a 30+ minute bout of exercise all at once, of course. However, will you still receive benefit from complete 2-3 separate bouts of exercise, yes. You ask why? Well if you do not complete any exercise then are you receiving any benefit? Nope. So completing some exercise is better than completing no exercise. Again, completing all of it at once is more ideal than completing it in separate segments.
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