
What is integrated training?

Eric Beard
Eric Beard on behalf of National Academy of Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine

Integrated training takes the best of all types of training and puts it together into one useable format. There are many benefits to be had from different types and styles of training. Unfortunately, most people do not experience enough variety in their exercise programs and they miss out. Here is a partial list of exercise components that can be sampled and included into almost anyone’s fitness routine; cardio (long, slow training, medium intensity intervals, high intensity intervals and more), weight training, balance training, plyometrics, speed-agility-quickness training, core training, body weight training and so on. One can draw from; rehabilitation principles, yoga, pilates, sports conditioning, tai-chi, martial arts, dance, power lifting or any other discipline. So don’t get caught in a rut or miss experiencing the entire spectrum of benefits of an integrated and varied exercises program. Just start slow and keep adjusting all aspects of your program every 4-6 weeks to get the most out of your program. 

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine

Integrated training refers to a training program that incorporates, or integrates multiple types of exercise together into a single program. An example of an integrated training program is one that includes flexibility, core work, balance training, resistance training, and cardiorespiratory exercises together into a single workout session or routine.

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