
What should I avoid while taking nicotinamide?

Stacy Wiegman, PharmD
Stacy Wiegman, PharmD
You should avoid using alcohol or taking drugs during nicotinamide treatment. Both drugs and alcohol are toxic to the liver and can complicate treatment. This supplement has been shown to cause an increase in liver enzymes. Talk to your doctor about taking nicotinamide if you have liver disease or developed peptic ulcers. Nicotinamide may interact with antibiotics, antifungal medications, as well as prescription or herbal blood thinners. It may also interact with a series of seizure medications, including diazepam, carbamazepine or valproic acid. Nicotinamide interacts with normal hormone levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone so birth control pills should be monitored. Talk to your doctor if you are taking alpha blockers or beta blockers. This medication should be taken with care if you have gallbladder disease, diabetes or suffer from gout.

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