For all of us, the best time to weigh ourselves is in the morning. That's the time you'll find your true weight. Always use a calibrated, accurate scale, and do it first thing when you wake up. I like to recommend weighing in one day a week -- the same day each week. Not much happens day to day, so checking up once a week will show your true progress. Make sure your scale is on a firm and flat floor. If you do this, you'll see more changes and better accuracy than if you weigh yourself every day. When you weigh every day, you tend not to see the results you expect and you may become discouraged. Worst of all, if you weigh yourself multiple times a day, your weight goes up. Sounds obvious, but you'd be amazed how many people weigh themselves throughout the day and get upset that their weight changes as they consume more. Fluid and food increase the numbers artificially.

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Whether you are trying to gain or lose weight, the most important thing to remember about weighing yourself is to do it at the same time of the day every time. It does not matter what time, just be consistent with the time.
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