7 simple weight-management moves to make every day
Changes like these can add up to greater overall wellness.
Updated on January 2, 2024
If you're crunched for time and looking to burn a few more calories each day, there's good news: You don’t have to overhaul your diet or spend hours in the gym. By making a few simple diet tweaks and fitting in more movement when you can, you can stay on track toward getting fit and managing your weight.
Matthew Metz, MD, a bariatric surgeon with the Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery in Denver, Colorado, shares some simple steps to help you maintain a healthy weight—and each of them can be done in a minute or less at a time.

Rethink Your Drink
If you sip a latte to start your day or pop a can of soda to make it through the mid-afternoon slump, you may be drinking more calories than you realize. One 16-ounce whole-milk latte contains more than 200 calories, which is comparable to the number of calories in a small meal. To enjoy a brew with fewer calories, consider ordering a hot coffee with 1/4 cup of steamed nonfat milk, at just under 26 calories. If you enjoy that effervescent afternoon sip, consider swapping regular sweetened soda for plain or flavored seltzer to save up to 156 calories. Even better, drink good-old H2O throughout the day.
Some research shows a link between better hydration and a healthier body composition. One 2019 study published in Nutrients looked at 358 people in Spain between the ages of 18 and 39. The women in the study who stayed well-hydrated were more likely to have a lower body mass index (BMI), lower body fat, and a smaller waistline than those who drank less water throughout the day.

Move More During The Day
The average American spends most of their waking hours sitting, which can be harmful to health over time. But simply moving your body at regular intervals can help you burn calories, maintain your cardiovascular fitness, and may even improve your longevity.
“When you're sitting at your desk, stand up periodically and do squats, whether 10 or 30, whatever you can. These can be done anywhere in the office,” Dr. Metz recommends. “Or, when you're going for a walk, stop and do 10 or 20 jumping jacks.”
Adding other forms of movement—even walking—throughout the day can also help you burn calories. You’ll be surprised by how quickly even one-minute bursts of activity can add up. In as few as 30 minutes, a 155-pound person can burn 175 calories walking at a brisk pace (roughly 15 minutes per mile).
What’s more, swapping 30 minutes of sitting each day for 30 minutes of low-intensity physical activity (like walking) could lower your risk of death by 17 percent, suggests a 2019 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Kick that up to moderate to vigorous-intensity exercise and the mortality risk goes down by as much as 35 percent. If you don’t have 30-minute blocks, breaking up periods of sitting with exercise of any duration still has some benefit.
Research suggests we should ideally be sitting for no more than 30 minutes at a time. So twice each hour, take a break and move, even for a few minutes. If you can’t remember to get going, set a reminder on your phone or computer.

Swap your sandwich wraps
If you are looking to cut calories, you can still enjoy the foods you love while making a few simple and tasty tweaks.
A large flour tortilla wrap contains around 215 calories and 35 grams of carbohydrates, while two large slices of whole-wheat bread have about 220 calories and 37 grams of carbs. Instead of stacking sandwich ingredients between bread or inside a wrap, fold them into fresh, crispy leaves of lettuce. Metz recommends wrapping a crunchy romaine leaf—with just 2 calories—around your protein and veggie filling. Bibb and iceberg lettuce also work well, with just 1 calorie per leaf.

Take a minute to unwind
Diet and exercise are important for maintaining a healthy weight, but getting a handle on stress is also essential, says Metz. Studies have suggested a link between long-term stress and higher rates of obesity.
The connections between weight and stress are complex and managing weight is not as simple as relaxing more. But there are simple ways to start reducing everyday stress. In 60 seconds or less you can:
- Breathe deeply
- Close your eyes and meditate
- Practice easy yoga postures, like child’s pose
- Call a friend or loved one
- Have a good laugh
Tracking your stress with apps like Sharecare, available for iOS and Android, can also help manage tension. Remember: Not all stress is bad, but chronic stress can be. Speak with your healthcare provider about the best options for you if stress interferes with your daily life.

Be Mindful of Restaurant Portion Sizes
Dining out is a great way to spend time with friends and loved ones while trying new foods or enjoying old favorites. It’s important to be mindful that restaurant meals tend to contain more calories and higher levels of sodium and fat than comparable dishes you might make at home. Studies have shown that people tend to consume more calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium on days when they eat out than when they eat at home.
If you’re seeking to reduce your calorie intake when eating out, consider downsizing your portion. This might mean ordering an appetizer instead of an entrée or splitting a selection of apps with your friends. Or ask for a to-go bag with your main course: Enjoy half of the dish at the restaurant and bring the rest home for tomorrow’s lunch.

Unplug Before Bedtime
Research suggests that insufficient slumber is linked to higher body weight and an increased risk of obesity. Like too much stress, too little sleep increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes the body to hold onto extra calories. Inadequate sleep affects other hormones, as well, including those responsible for regulating hunger. That means you may feel hungrier on less sleep than you’d be with adequate sleep. Feeling generally exhausted can make exercise less appealing, too, and increase cravings for foods higher in sugar, salt, and fat.
There are a few things you can do to get better sleep. “I suggest stopping screen time at least two hours before going to bed, and if you're able to, put your phone in another room when you're sleeping,” Metz says.
You can also:
- Avoid food and drinks that disrupt sleep.
- Go to bed at the same time each night.
- Use your bedroom for sleep and sex only, so you don’t associate the space with potentially stress-inducing activities, like work.

Treat Yourself
You don’t have to deprive yourself of sweet treats, even if you’re trying to manage your weight. Some research suggests that indulging in less-healthy bites on occasion can help you stay on track—and may even yield comparable weight loss to following a low-calorie diet each day.
If you have a hard time limiting yourself to sweet treats every once in a while (and doing so is often easier said than done), Metz recommends swapping typically high-calorie desserts with fruit or nuts. Enjoy an apple with a tablespoon of sugar-free peanut, almond, or cashew butter, for example. Or toss a tablespoon of sliced almonds in a cup of blueberries and add a sprinkle of cinnamon.
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