
Get the latest information about staying on top of your wellness.


7 Surprising Things That Happen to Your Body During Space Travel
Space flight can cause behavior changes, bone loss, rashes, and more.


How aging affects your metabolism, according to a study
Researchers have found that there are no significant differences between the metabolic rates of wome...


5 Strange Summer Myths, Debunked
Understand the facts about bugs, pools, bears, and other seasonal hazards to help stay safe this ...


5 tips for handling Father’s Day when you’re grieving
For those who've experienced loss, the holiday can be hard to deal with.


6 Ways to Stay on Track—Emotionally and Physically—This Winter
Shorter sunshine hours and hectic days don’t mean you have to forgo your healthy routines....


4 Benefits a Trip to Hawaii Can Have on Your Health
Visiting the Aloha State can help your body, mind and spirit.


What to Expect From a Health Coach
They listen, ask the right questions, and help keep you accountable. But that's not all.


What Are the Benefits of Having a Health Coach?
They can help you reach your health goals, manage a health condition, and so much more.


How could maternal depression affect a child's health?
Add maternal depression to the list of factors that affect childhood obesity. Pediatrician Tanya Alt...


Breaking sleep barriers: How to get really good Zzs
Learn practical tips and strategies to positive changes to your sleep habits and experience the prof...