
4 ways to maintain a vibrant sex life as you age

Lifestyle changes and hormonal shifts can affect your vagina during perimenopause and beyond—here’s what you can do to feel more comfortable.

Updated on June 28, 2023

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As we move into our 40s and 50s, so many things adapt and change. It’s the time of life when work stress and family responsibilities may be ramping up, while the physical changes of perimenopause and menopause can make your vagina feel very… well, different. If you’re experiencing some discomfort and it’s affecting your libido, there are plenty of things you can do toShow More

Someone talking with a healthcare provider
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Check up on your hormones

During middle age, your estrogen levels start to drop, and the vulva and lining of the vagina become thinner, drier and less elastic, due to decreased blood supply, says Jambusaria. (If you’re not having regular intercourse, the vagina can also start to narrow and shorten, she adds.)

If lack ofShow More

Two people holding hands and talking with a therapist
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Lift your libido

Estrogen and testosterone levels decrease beginning in perimenopause, and this can affect libido, says Jambusaria. Menopausal symptoms, like hot flashes and night sweats, along with typical midlife stressors, such as caring for aging parents while taking on more responsibilities at work, can alsoShow More

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Take steps to ease any pain

Talk to your HCP if you are feeling physical pain during penetration. Vaginal estrogen can help with lubrication. Kegel exercises and pelvic floor physical therapy can strengthen the area, which may also help prevent pain. For those experiencing some discomfort during sex, take it slowly,Show More

couple hugging and kissing
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Take steps to increase arousal

Sexual pleasure and arousal can start in many places around the body that don’t begin with  a V—blowing in the ear, backrubs, footrubs, and gentle caresses can all help get you in the mood. Other ways to stimulate the clitoris and increase blood flow include masturbation and, if you like,Show More

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