
5 unexpected signs of heart failure

These could be clues that your heart isn’t pumping efficiently.

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Heart failure doesn’t mean what you probably think it means: That your heart suddenly—and catastrophically—stops beating. Rather, it means that the heart is not as efficient as it once was and can’t deliver enough oxygen-rich blood as the body needs. It’s a serious condition, but it sounds like it should be pretty easy to know if you have it. That’s not always the case,Show More

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You can’t catch your breath

What does heart failure have to do with the lungs? A lot, actually. Blood can back up in the lung’s blood vessels, causing fluid to leak into the lungs. Additionally, one of the main consequences of heart failure is that the kidneys can’t get rid of sodium and water as well as they used to. ThisShow More

woman trying to button jeans
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Your shoes and pants got tighter

If your pants are feeling snugger around the thighs or waist, or you can’t seem to get your shoes on, that’s a possible clue that you may have heart failure. Fluid doesn’t build up only in the lungs. In heart failure, oxygen-poor blood can’t return to the heart as well, which can cause your legs,Show More

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Your heart is racing, even at rest

Is your heart pounding like you’ve just run a marathon when all you’ve done is walk up the stairs? Does your pulse seem irregular? When your heart can’t pump blood efficiently, it tries to make up for it by pumping faster. Heart failure can also cause your heartbeat to go out of whack. According toShow More

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You’re tired all the time

Daily life in the 21st century can be exhausting, but if you’re more tired than usual, especially during everyday activities, that could be a sign that your heart is failing. When the heart starts to lose its pumping efficiency, it can’t get enough blood to meet all the demands of the body. ItShow More

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You’re confused or having trouble focusing

Do you find yourself feeling foggy, or unable to remember conversations? Cognitive impairment is a common symptom of heart failure, with between 30 and 80 percent of heart failure patients experiencing some sort of impairment. Researchers suspect that reduced blood flow to the brain may play a part.Show More

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