
Two "truths" that prevent you from investing successfully

Mistaking these myths for facts could set you up for failure.

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There are plenty of investment strategies—perhaps some you’ve already tried—that just don’t work: Market timing doesn’t work. Nor should you follow fads, trust the media, rely on so-called experts or make big bets on blue-chip stocks or hot sectors.

None of these ideas works, yet many investors persist in relying on them. When one fails, they move to the next, believing (Show More

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Basic Truth #1: Stock Prices Rise and Fall

Of course, literally speaking, this statement is true. But it’s misleading. That’s because the statement is incomplete; it’s not really accurate to say that stock prices “rise and fall.”

Oh, sure, on any given day, prices might rise or fall. But over long periods, it’s more accurate to say thatShow More

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Basic Truth #2: The Stock Market Is Risky, Volatile and Unpredictable

Clearly the stock market is volatile. It’s also unpredictable. No one can say what will happen next. And that makes the stock market risky. It’s like driving a car blindfolded.

But does it really matter?

Think about the last time you invested money; whether you bought a stock, a bond, a mutual fund,Show More

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Why You Mustn't Look

Looking often at your investments is likely to make you do the opposite of what you should do. If you see that prices are down, you’ll become upset and want to sell. If you see that prices are up, you’ll get excited and want to buy. You’ll be tempted to sell low and buy high. A study from ColumbiaShow More

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The Truth About the Two Basic Truths

Now you know the truth: The two basic truths are really nothing more than common myths. And by mistaking these myths as truths, Americans set themselves up for investment failure.

Dismiss these concoctions and instead believe that the stock market produces profits over long periods. Instead ofShow More

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