
What happens after high school? Know your child's options

The next big step may feel overwhelming, but understanding these paths can help.

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Although high school graduation can seem like an endpoint, every new grad walking across that stage—and their parents—knows that this is the start of a brand new life phase. What happens next can have a major impact on your child’s long-term career prospects, and the breadth of options can feel overwhelming, emotionally and financially.

But understanding the nuances ofShow More

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A Four-Year College Degree

According to one study, those with a four-year college degree make $17,500 more annually than people who don't have one—and that number has doubled over the past few decades. What's more, unemployment is four times likelier for people with no degree.

But that doesn’t mean a four-year degree is theShow More

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A Two-Year College Degree

If your child is unsure about a potential career path, a two-year college may be a great option. It can help your child build valuable study skills if she decides to switch to a four-year college, or prepare her for certain professions, such as nursing, that require a two-year degree.

When thinkingShow More

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Vocational Training

The U.S. is currently experiencing a shortage of skilled workers, which is pushing wages higher in trades like construction, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, vehicle repair, healthcare and many others.

Unlike college degrees that might take years to achieve—and put a student into debt at graduationShow More

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Military Service

For those who thrive on structure and physical activity, military service may be a good fit, especially since service in the armed forces can lead to a specialized job or college-level education.

Also, the military’s tuition assistance programs have been a valuable resource for many looking toShow More

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Making the Decision

As you and your child evaluate what feels right as the next step, keep in mind that each of these options can be a launching pad, not a final destination. For example, military service can lead to a college degree, or your child might learn a trade and then join the military in a few years.

SomeShow More

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