
5 ways to spring clean your life

Give your health a boost by spring cleaning all the spaces in your life.

woman cleaning kitchen
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Spring Cleaning Your Life

When spring rolls around each year, many of us take advantage of the change in season to do a round of spring cleaning. More than a simple chore, it can actually improve your physical and mental health. How so? Decluttering can decrease stress, and cleaning counts as exercise! Check out our five tips to spring clean all the spaces in your life.

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Start with Your Home

Author William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” Use this as your spring-cleaning mantra. Go through each room and decide what you want to toss and what could possibly be donated. Clean off the dust, open the windows, go through your pantry and add a new plant or two. These things can help air out your physical space and decrease health-harming stress.

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Work Better

Is your desk a mess? Inbox filled with unread mail? Workspace clutter can make you less productive on the job. So spend a few hours getting organized (and toss the empty soda cans on your desk). Also make it a point to resolve any workplace conflicts. It’ll decrease office anxiety and make it much easier to head into work every morning.

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Clear Out Your Car

Get rid of the plastic bottles, fast-food wrappers, and old receipts. Research shows that clutter affects our ability to focus and process information, which can be dangerous on the road. Once your vehicle is clutter-free, give it a really good cleaning, especially the floor mats. Cars can harbor bacteria that could potentially make you sick.

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Tidy Up Your Mental Space

If you spend a lot of time thinking about all the things you have to do, the bills you have to pay, the chores that didn’t get done, it probably means your mind is cluttered. Making lists can help you organize your mental space and get all those little tasts accomplished.

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Detox Your Body

Did you spend a bunch of time on the couch this winter? Indulge in comfort foods more than you should have? It’s time to spring clean your routine and make healthy habits a priority. Skip the TV after work and head outside for fun, easy exercise like walking, gardening, or biking. Clear your pantry of sweets and other processed foods, and stock it with healthy snacks, cholesterol-lowering whole grains, and protein-rich beans. Load up your refrigerator, too, with fresh, seasonal fruits and veggies.

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