
5 work habits that may be harmful to your health

Learn how some things people do each day can take a toll, what you can do instead.

Updated on January 8, 2025

young woman eating while walking on lunch break
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In the U.S., adults spend about 1,750 hours a year at work. That’s a lot, and it means that what they do in the office or out in the field can affect their health. From what people eat for lunch to how they sit (and for how long), unhealthy habits at work have the potential to contribute to a range of issues, such as anxiety, insomnia, back pain, weight gain, and evenShow More

woman eating fast food at her desk
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Going out for lunch

If your schedule is hectic or you have little time to think about what you’ll have for lunch, you may be left with few options. And when you’re short on time, fast food may be one of your only options. But if you routinely get takeout, particular fast food, you may be consuming a lot more processedShow More

woman looking at her phone
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Checking work e-mails on your phone

Surveys have found that 76 percent of all U.S. workers and 81 percent of remote workers check emails before and after work each day. Half of employees also report checking their e-mails on their phone after hours. And while it might seem harmless to reply to a coworker’s request whileShow More

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Being surrounded by cubicle clutter

Unsightly desk clutter, such as soda cans, loose paper, part of yesterday’s lunch, is more than just an eyesore. Though it depends on your personality, for some people, having piles of paper and junk around makes it harder to focus. Clutter may raise your stress level, too, making it harder to beShow More

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Leaning in (to your computer screen)

If you work at a cubicle or desk job every day, you may already be familiar with that bleary-eyed, achy-headed feeling. Sitting at your desk and staring at a screen for eight hours tires out your eyes, contributes to weight gain, and can also harm your back, neck, shoulders, and wrists. Plus,Show More

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Letting your stress level go unchecked

It’s healthy to have some stress in our lives. But when stress persists over time and begins to affect your daily routine, including your sleep and eating habits, it may have health consequences. Chronically stressed employees are more likely to get sick, have high blood pressure, experienceShow More

Slideshow sources open slideshow sources

International Labour Organization (ILO). Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World. Page last updated January 6, 2023.
American Heart Association. Can Processed Foods Be Part of a Healthy Diet? Page last reviewed July 31, 2024.
Tedone AM. Keeping Up With Work Email After Hours and Employee Wellbeing: Examining Relationships During and Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Occup Health Sci. 2022;6(1):51-72.
Buffer. State of Remote Work 2023. Page accessed September 17, 2024.
Cleveland Clinic. Is Your Desk Messy or Tidy? Find Out What It Says About You. Page last updated June 3, 2024.
Mayo Clinic. Adult health: Office ergonomics: Your how-to guide. Page last updated May 25, 2023.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Long-Term Stress Harms Everyone in the Workplace. PDF accessed September 17, 2024.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Workplace Stress. Page accessed September 17, 2024.

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