9 best anti-aging tips for men
Feeling young and staying strong doesn't have to be difficult. Here are some simple solutions for men.
Many men ignore simple ways to keep their bodies strong and youthful. But addressing the main culprits that cause premature aging doesn't have to be difficult. It just starts with simple lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of serious conditions.
Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death of men in the US, due in large part to unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as smoking and eating a diet high in saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. Even chronic stress hinders immune system response, making men more susceptible to infection and disease. It can also cause wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.
By reducing your risk of these serious medical conditions, you don't have to feel your age. Read on for 9 easy tips to keep your body healthy and make your RealAge younger!

Add seafood to your diet
Studies suggest that eating fish two or three times a week may reduce your risk of heart disease. Choose cold-water fish (e.g., salmon, haddock, mackerel, or tuna), which are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Eating at least one serving of fish per week can make your RealAge up to 1.8 years younger.

Prevent Heart Disease with Exercise
A physical activity program that builds stamina, strength, and flexibility can make your RealAge nearly 3 years younger. That doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym. Any amount of movement can help you stay healthy. Studies show that people who often engage in leisure-time physical activities, such as taking a bike ride or a brisk walk, have a lower risk of heart disease compared with those who spend their free time less actively. Two hours per week of easy fitness activities may decrease your heart disease risk by as much as 61 percent. That's right: Playing like a kid can help you stay young.

Eat More Antioxidants to Dodge Cancer
Fill half your plate with colorful fruits and veggies. Not only will you eat fewer calories, which helps keep your weight in check, you'll also stock up on cancer-fighting nutrients. The brighter the color of vegetables and fruit, the more antioxidants are packed inside. While research hasn't showed that individual antioxidant supplements prevent cancer, the combinations found in whole foods can be beneficial. Most studies show a link between eating a diet with more fruit and vegetables and a lower risk of lung, oral, esophageal, stomach and colon cancers. Eating at least 4 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables daily can make your RealAge up to 4.4 years younger.

Use Sunscreen to Prevent Skin Cancer
Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) to your face and exposed body areas 30 minutes before you go outdoors. Use enough to fill at least one to two shot glasses. Reapply every 2 hours and after swimming or when you are sweating heavily. Also, cover up with a hat, long sleeves, and sunglasses whenever you spend an extended period of time outdoors. Even in warm weather, you'll stay cooler and more comfortable if your skin is shaded with light-colored, breathable fabrics. Minimize your sun exposure by scheduling outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon. Avoid spending too much time in the sun during peak hours (11 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

Do Regular Self-Exams to Spot Skin Cancer
Perform routine self-examinations for skin cancer. Look for changes in the color, size, thickness, shape, or feel of a mole, freckle, or other mark. A new mole, or one that has irregular borders, has variable colors, or is larger than a quarter of an inch in diameter, should be examined by a doctor. Monthly skin self-exams and an annual total body screening by your doctor are important for the early detection of skin cancer.

Reduce Stress for Healthy Work-Life Balance
Some studies suggests that stress at work may be even more detrimental to your personal relationships than work exhaustion. Chronic stress may also increase your risk of heart disease. Fostering supportive, close personal relationships can help reduce stress and slow aging. Before you complete work at the end of the day, take a few minutes to practice a stress-management technique, such as meditation or deep breathing. If you drive to an office, take the scenic route home. Research suggests that viewing natural scenery helps reduce stress and promote a healthy work-life balance. And more good news—managing your stress level can make your RealAge up to 2.4 years younger.

Laugh to Reduce Stress and Blood Pressure
Whether you watch a funny movie, attend a comedy show, or just share good times with people you care about, be sure to set aside some time for age-reducing belly laughs. Research has credited laughter with not only the power to reduce stress but also the ability to relieve pain, improve immunity and lower blood pressure.

See Your Doctor for Routine Checkups
Men are notorious for avoiding the doctor's office, but to prevent health problems or catch them at an early stage, it's important to see your physician for regular physical exams, and visit the doc whenever you notice a change in your health. Make the most of your checkup by preparing for the appointment. Don't rely on your memory; write down any symptoms you are experiencing, even if they seem minor. For instance, if you have pain, track when it occurs and how long it lasts. Also bring a list of the medicines, herbs, vitamins, and supplements you regularly take. Be sure to mention any chronic conditions, and be ready to answer questions about your diet and exercise habits.
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