
Patient perspectives: finding relief from atopic dermatitis

Updated on October 23, 2024

Resources and treatments for relief of atopic dermatitis are as varied as the patients themselves.

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OK. So now we're going to talk a little bit more about ways to find relief. [MUSIC PLAYING]
What is your skincare regimen, and have you found anything that works for you for your eczema? Nothing too fragrant.
Nothing that's, like, very strong. So like, every kind of lotion I use is specifically for eczema or for dry skin.
I use the same, probably similar products that we all use that are off of the shelf.
And I did find a line that works for me where the product work in terms of helping keep those flares down.
I think my routine has changed so much over the years. I went from just only using natural products.
But what I found was that some of those natural products actually made it worse. I actually-- I have gone the complete opposite direction
of going very natural. And that's why this discussion is so important for people to hear how all of you manage your eczema.
And it is a little bit different for everyone. I love you for saying that! [LAUGHTER] So my skin care regimen can really
be summarized into stay moisturized and keep it simple. I'm a very simple person and a person of habit,
so if I feel like something works for me, I'm going to stick to it. Do you have any tips or tricks you could share for those people who are recently diagnosed?
I think the tips and tricks I would give them is definitely eye those products for sensitive skin. That's really important.
And like I mentioned before, like, avoiding the fragrant things. Don't panic. There are resources and treatments that exist for you.
It's a matter of trying things out and not being afraid to try different treatments, different products to see what works best for you.
I love what has already been shared, and I would just piggyback onto that to say, figure out what your triggers are.
So one of the things that I didn't find out until later were how severe some of the allergies that were not
food-related that actually were triggering my eczema. You know, my family was supportive.
To Dawn's point about allergies being a big factor, we have not a lot of eczema in our family,
but allergies, asthma, those type of things. So my family was very supportive.
In my relationship now, my boyfriend is extremely supportive, so that helps a lot.
I don't think I would be where I'm at mentally right now if it weren't for my support system.
It wasn't until I met my support system and I created my support system and I was vulnerable to even share my story, that's
when I felt like my healing really catapulted forward. It is the key to healing, honestly,
to have a strong support network. I know personally we have to put boundaries
in place for ourselves. So it's just having those boundaries in place for healing, and that support system
is there that you can rely on so that you can heal. [MUSIC PLAYING] [AUDIO LOGO]

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