
Terms|Services includes the following services and features:


  • AskMD®
    Start by entering a symptom. AskMD will match your answers against clinically proven research. AskMD is available via the website and as a mobile application.

  • Clipix®
    The Clipix features on give you the ability to keep track of all your health and wellness interests from across the Web in one place. Clipix features are governed by the Clipix Privacy Statement and Terms and Conditions

  • Provider Directory
    Sharecare collects and uses provider and/or physician data as part of its Provider Solutions, including Find a Doctor. Such data is obtained from various sources including directly from providers, third party licensors, and public sources.

  • RealAge® Test
    The RealAge Test is a unique calculation of your body's health age, created by top doctors including Dr. Mike Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz. Powered by the latest medical research, your RealAge Test results create personalized tips and action plans to get healthier and grow younger!

  • Sharecare App
    The Sharecare App translates daily lifestyle events (stress, sleep, activity, diet, etc.) into health-care relevant insights and personalized content. Using spectral voice pattern analysis and mobile sensor input, the App provides you with meaningful insights about your relationships and how sleep, activity, stress and many other daily life events affect your wellbeing and your state of mind. Within permission settings, users have the opportunity to review and control what features you want to enable.

  • Single Sign On
    By registering for a account you can access and other partner websites. You will have the opportunity to review and accept the terms and conditions of each partner website prior to establishing your account on such websites. The single sign on features allows sharing of data across partner websites to enhance your user experience in accordance with each site's terms and conditions.

  • User Account
    Your account includes your user profile info, communication preferences, health info, and other account settings.You can manage and update your health information using the account settings or other services.

Last Modified: March 2015