
All the information you need for a 2024 incentives appeal.

Active state and higher education employees and spouses who are enrolled in medical insurance with Partners for Health and wish to file an appeal regarding your incentives distribution for wellness activities completed in 2024, please use the forms below for instruction and submission.


Appeals, along with the requested documents, must be submitted by Jan. 31, 2025. Appeals submitted after this date will be denied.

Incentives appeal

To file an Incentives Appeal, complete all applicable sections on the 2024 Appeal Form, sign and date the form and submit according to the instructions on the form.

You should submit the form, along with the supporting documentation. An example of appropriate supporting documentation includes:

  • A copy of the completed 2024 Physician Results Form and proof that it was sent to Sharecare by Nov. 30, 2024 (if applicable).
  • Take a screenshot of the incentive status when activities through the Sharecare App or online platform are complete.
  • Documentation from a health plan or employee assistance provider proving completion of activity.

2024 Appeal Form

Generally, a decision is reached within 10 calendar days of receipt unless additional information is needed. Appeals will be investigated by Sharecare. Sharecare will provide written notification of whether the appeal was approved or denied.

How to submit

Complete the required forms, sign and date and then submit using one of the following: