Health Topicsweight-managementBody mass index (BMI)

Body mass index (BMI)

What is my BMI? Are BMI calculators and charts for men and women different? Learn the facts about body mass index and how it plays a role in your health.


If you're looking at weight management programs, you've likely heard the term "body mass index" or "BMI." And you may have a lot of questions.

What is BMI? How is it calculated? Are BMI calculations different for women than for men? Is there a BMI chart that I can use to see where I fit on the BMI scale?

While BMI has become a quick way to estimate whether you're healthy—even insurance companies use it—the best way to check your overall health is to visit your HCP.

They'll discuss what an ideal weight is for you, as well as ways to reach and maintain your weight goals, so you can live an active, healthy lifestyle.

Is BMI accurate?

You may have heard of BMI. It often comes up in conversations regarding how much someone should weigh based on factors like height, sex, and more. But is it reliable? How much should your HCP or your insurance company rely on your BMI number? Read on to find out.

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