How common is leiomyosarcoma?
Leiomyosarcoma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer; malignant tumors develop from smooth muscle tissue, sometimes in the uterus. OB/GYN specialist Lauren Streicher, MD, discusses this condition and how the morcellation procedure is related.
My experience is very typical. If you talk to most busy gynecologists, they will tell you that they see one, maybe two cases of a leiomyosarcoma during their entire career.
This is one of the very controversial areas because there's a lot of numbers out there. Sometimes you'll hear something as high as 1 out of 350
or as low as 1 out of 10,000. And the truth is probably somewhere in between. Now a number of like 1 out of 350, let's think about that.
That really defies logic because we know that fibroids are incredibly, incredibly common. And in fact, probably about 80% of women have fibroids.
Most of them don't even know it. And typically, if a patient comes to see me who has fibroids, I tell her, if they're not bothering you,
don't do anything about it. Or if someone has fibroids that are bothersome, we might offer a uterus-sparing option
such as myomectomy or fibroid embolization. Well, if 1 out of 350 of those women
had leiomyosarcoma, first of all, a lot of women would be dying, we would hear about it all the time,
and quite frankly, no gynecologist would recommend to a patient that they hang on to their uterus. We would tell every woman with fibroids you must have
a hysterectomy if there's a 1-out-of-350 chance. So the reality is that the numbers are much lower than that.
A new study is going to be published in the "New England Journal of Medicine" which puts the number at about 1 out of 7,500, which is a lot more accurate.
Even if I talk about my personal experience, over the last 15 to 20 years, I've treated probably about 40,000 women with fibroids.
Between myself and my partners, we've performed morcellation about 1,000 times. I have seen exactly one case of leiomyosarcoma,
and that was in a patient that was diagnosed prior to surgery. My experience is very typical. If you talk to most busy gynecologists,
they will tell you that they see one, maybe two cases of leiomyosarcoma during their entire career.
So it's a rare cancer, but believe me, every surgeon that takes care of women with fibroids is highly motivated to make dissemination
of this cancer even rarer. A lot of people have said that the morcellator is dangerous. And the truth is, it's not the morcellator that's dangerous,
it's leiomyosarcoma that's dangerous. This is a very serious cancer. And even if someone has a traditional big open incision
where the uterus is removed intact, only 40% of those women are alive five years later. And that's because in most cases,
the cells have already been disseminated prior to surgery. So while a lot of people are saying it's the morcellation that's causing the problem, number
one, morcellation does not cause cancer, it's already there. And number two, while absolutely I agree that morcellation can spread a cancer, in most cases,
the cancer has already been spread. So we need to do the best job we can to identify women who might be at risk for having a cancer,
and they should not have morcellation. And then because we can't identify every woman, we need to do a better job of making it safe.
And right now, our best option is to perform morcellation inside an enclosed bag so that in the event that there
is an undetected cancer, the chance of those cancerous cells being released and seeding other areas of the body
will essentially be eliminated. [AUDIO LOGO]
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