
What is strength endurance training?


Strength training is any exercise that involves working against resistance to develop the strength and endurance of muscle groups. Resistance may come from your own body or from equipment such as weight machines, free weights or barbells, a body bar, resistance bands, stability ball, or water. With regular training, resistance exercise will boost bone health, support joints, and help boost your aerobic workouts.

Joshua J. Stone
Joshua J. Stone on behalf of National Academy of Sports Medicine

Strength endurance is a form of training designed to enhance muscle endurance and prime mover strength. This is done to by super setting a strength exercise with a stabilization endurance type exercise of the same body part without a rest period. An example of strength endurance for the chest would be performing the bench press followed immediately by a stability ball push-up. The strength exercise of a bench press is performed in a stable environment, while the next exercise, the stability ball push-up is unstable.

The principle behind this method of training is to work the prime movers in the first exercise and then work the stabilization muscles when the prime movers are fatigued. This type of training consists of the second phase of the National Academy of Sports Medicine's Optimum Performance Training model. The primary goal is to improve enhance joint stabilization, increase lean body mass and improve overall work capacity.

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