Results for "studies soda"
Slideshows (340)
- Did your favorite beverage make the list?
- Changes like these can add up to greater overall wellness.
- Roughly 55,000 more women than men have strokes each year. Learn the reasons why—and what you can do to reduce your risk.
- These proven secrets to slimming down are backed by real research.
- Looking for delicious eats that help reduce hypertension? Add these to your grocery list.
- Even though your body is changing, there are proven ways to maintain weight, lose weight, and prevent weight gain in the first place.
- Nourish yourself for better brainpower.
- Find out which ones can contribute to tooth enamel loss.
- Feeling down, tired, or broke after having a few drinks? Here’s how alcohol can affect your quality of life, beyond raising the risk for chronic disease.
- Don't make someone feel small just because they're a bit bigger.
- Find out how too much coffee, too little sleep, and other factors affect your outlook.
- Learn science-backed ways to drop extra pounds—and keep them off in the long run.
- Shed pounds without ever having to break a sweat.
- And we're not talking about caffeine.
- Follow these guidelines to lower your risk of heart issues.
- There’s a reason you’ve been longing for greasy french fries and chocolate cake.
- These seemingly harmless habits are actually sabotaging your health goals.
- Regular sex, good eating habits, and more can lead to better sleep.
- Eat better in a pinch. Here's how to fuel your body during a busy shift.
- Some of your favorites can irritate your bladder and worsen symptoms.
- Packed with fruits and veggies, you won’t even be able to tell these are alcohol-free.
- Learn tricks from the savviest savers to buy the things you really want—and still build your nest egg.
- Learn which habits to adopt—and which to avoid—to prevent UTIs.
- Dust mites and lingering viruses are just two health hazards. Use these tips to make a clean sweep.
- These seemingly harmless habits could increase your cancer risk.