
What is major depressive disorder?

What is major depressive disorder?

Major depressive disorder is a serious mental illness that can impact every area of a person’s life and health.
How are anxiety and depression related?

How are anxiety and depression related?

Betsy Chung, Clinical Psychologist, talks about anxiety and depression during COVID-19.
Caring for yourself while caring for someone with depression

Caring for yourself while caring for someone with depression

Being a caregiver for someone with major depression can take its toll on you. Learn how to avoid caregiver depression.


What is treatment resistant depression?

What is treatment resistant depression?

What to do when treatment is not providing relief from depression.
Major depressive disorder diagnosis

Major depressive disorder diagnosis

What to expect from a healthcare appointment to discuss symptoms of depression.
How to recognize major depression in loved ones

How to recognize major depression in loved ones

Help a friend or family member by learning the signs of major depression.

Major depressive disorder symptoms

Major depressive disorder symptoms

A quick guide to understanding the symptoms of depression.


How to tell if your antidepressants are working

How to tell if your antidepressants are working

Not sure if you are seeing an improvement in symptoms? These strategies can help.
How antidepressants treat depression

How antidepressants treat depression

Learn how antidepressant medications regulate neurotransmitters to help reduce the symptoms of major depressive disorder.
Steps to seeking treatment for major depression

Steps to seeking treatment for major depression

Three strategies for seeking treatment for this serious mental illness.
Self-help for major depressive disorder

Self-help for major depressive disorder

Build on other depression treatments with small steps to feel better every day.

Living With Depression

Major depressive disorder and exercise

Major depressive disorder and exercise

Learn how regular exercise and physical activity can help support your treatment plan for major depressive disorder.
Major depressive disorder and stress

Major depressive disorder and stress

Stress can trigger clinical depression, but taking steps to reduce stress is an important part of getting better.