Symptoms & Treatment
Long-acting injectable medications for schizophrenia
How long-acting injectable (LAI) neuroleptic medications treat schizophrenia and when an LAI may be recommended.
Seeking care as a Black American with schizophrenia
Why culturally competent care can lead to better outcomes for Black Americans living with schizophrenia.
How schizophrenia impacts a person's physical health
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that can have a serious impact on a person’s physical health.
Understanding schizophrenia symptoms and severity
A guide to positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms, and what these terms mean for your diagnosis.
Caregiving & Support
Schizophrenia: how to be a collaborative caregiver
How to encourage a loved one with schizophrenia to take a more active approach in their treatment and health.
Finding a healthcare provider for someone with schizophrenia
Where to begin the search for a psychiatrist and what questions to ask when choosing a psychiatrist.
What caregivers need to know about schizophrenia treatment
What caregivers need to know about treating schizophrenia, including medications, therapy, and social support.
How stigma about schizophrenia impacts caregivers
Caregivers for people with schizophrenia often experience stigma. Here’s why stigma needs to be taken seriously.