Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs > Why is the price I paid at the pharmacy for my prescription using SharecareRx different than what I was quoted on the website?

Why is the price I paid at the pharmacy for my prescription using SharecareRx different than what I was quoted on the website?

When you search for the cost of a prescription, SharecareRx provides the most current pricing available at the time of that search. If there is a difference in price, make sure that the type (generic vs. brand), quantity, dosage and form are all correct. Small differences, like if a medication is extended or timed release, can make large price differences. SharecareRx does its best to show the expected price. However, pharmacies, like any other retailer, may change their prices. Prices are subject to change and may vary based on available pharmacy inventory. If you have searched again after checking that your search matches your prescription and the SharecareRx price at the pharmacy is not accurate, please call customer service (855) 299-5438 to report the occurrence. We will work to resolve the issue or help you understand why the price was different.

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